skin benefits of vitamin a

BY DR. BEN JOHNSON, Founder & Formulator of Osmosis

Ask any professional in the industry and they will tell you vitamin A is an essential part of a skincare protocol. This is true, but only for 1 type of vitamin A; stabilized retinaldehyde. There is no proven research that shows that retinol (trans or cis), retinyl palmitate, retinyl acetate or any other form actually stimulates collagen.

Even retinoic acid (Retin A), which stimulates collagen can be di cult on the skin. Retinoic acid has been shown to thin the dermis by 18% after one years use. Retinaldehyde is the only research proven A that stimulates collagen and does not thin the skin! The only one!

Osmosis made this powerful age-reversing ingredient liposome delivered so that we can get up to 600% more of it into the skin. Equally as important, we included additional collagen stimulators to feed the skin and maximize your collagen making potential. Our vitamin A products are not sun-sensitizing because of the technology we use. They are a must have for your clients.

Osmosis Newsletter . February/March . 2017


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