Our Approach
Properly trained Functional Medicine Practitioners are able to treat patients for a wide range of chronic illness.
By investigating the underlying dysfunctions and treating the person, not the disease, we are able to return the body to a state of health.
We treat a wide range of health conditions at our clinic and also specialize in a number of key areas of healthcare.
OUr Patients
Since our approach focuses on getting to the root issues involved in illness, patients that thrive in our practice usually:
Want to participate in care and work as a team with us - understanding that healing takes time
Are willing to make positive lifestyle and dietary changes to improve their health
Do not want to rely on unnecessary medications
What our patients can expect
We work closely with our patients to provide a thorough understanding of their condition and how root issues have contributed to their symptoms. We use a wide range of tools to identify underlying issues. This includes:
A detailed case history
Customized testing (blood, urine, saliva, stool, imaging, etc.)
A verbal and visual report detailing out what we found, how it explains the presentation of symptoms and what the plan is moving forward
Follow up labs to track and confirm progress of root issues
Diet and nutrition services are provided for all of our patients
With our detailed examination, we are able to identify and address key issues that have eluded our patients. Some underlying conditions that drive disease may include:
Food sensitivities
Viral infections
Methylation issues
Poor detoxification pathways
Toxicity (heavy metals, chemicals)
Nutrient Deficiencies
Blood Sugar Dysregulation (insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, diabetes)
Autoimmune conditions
Bacterial infections
Hormone dysregulation
Gut dysbiosis aka “leaky gut”
Thyroid conditions
Mold Illness (CIRS)
Chronic Lyme disease
To address these root issues, we use herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation along with diet and lifestyle. By eliminating or regulating these root issues, we are able to reverse or greatly improve chronic disease bringing about a better life for those affected by health issues.
OUr Approach
At Genesis Functional Wellness, we have created a model that brings about rapid healing and change, empowering those we work with to take an active approach in their healthcare.
Functional Medicine investigates the root cause of disease and addresses underlying pathology and dysfunction to rebalance the body. All body systems are recognized as connected and interact with one another. For instance, many symptoms may be present such as fatigue, aches and pains, brain fog, etc. which could be related to a digestive issue or bacterial infection of the gut.
Functional Medicine treatments are safe, using natural substances such as herbs and nutrition supplements that have mild or no side effects. Treatments are based on the latest evidence based medical research and trials. Treatment protocols are designed to empower the individual, prevent and reverse disease and promote optimal function of the mind and body
Conditions we work with
Properly trained Functional Medicine Practitioners are able to treat a wide range of chronic illness. By investigating thoroughly the root issues and treating the body systems together, we are able to effectively address a multitude of diseases.
Immune System
Hashimoto’s, Grave’s disease, Lupus, Scleroderma, Vitiligo, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ulcerative Colitis, Chron’s, Celiac Disease, Type 1 diabetes and some other autoimmune conditions, food allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome(ME/CFS), Chronic infections, Lyme, EBV, HHV6 and more.
Gastrointestinal Disorders
IBD, constipation, diarrhea, reflux, gut dysbiosis, Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), Small intestine fungal overgrowth (SIFO), infections of the digestive tract (bacterial, fungal parasitic, viral)
Inflammatory Disorders
Fibromyalgia, chronic pain, autoimmune conditions, Mold Illness (CIRS)
Women’s Health
Menopause, Weight loss, PCOS, Pregnancy, PMS, Cycle irregularities, Infertility
Men’s Health
Low testosterone, Erectile dysfunction, benign prostatic hyperplasia, Weight loss, Infertility
Metabolic Disorders
Insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, Obesity
Liver/gall bladder, Mold illness (CIRS), Post Lyme syndrome, heavy metal detox, chemical detox
MTHFR, HLA-DR, hemochromatosis
We offer both in-person and telehealth models of care.
Ask about our streamlined approach to care, no matter where you are.